Best Birthday Gift EVER!

My mom got me the best birthday gift ever… a full housecleaning. We’re talking surface stuff, dust bunnies, and *windows*! At first I was hesitant, but it’s truly been a blessing. It seemed like I was constantly having to start at one place and make my way back around, but doing it like this I had a clean house in one day. It’s easier when someone else cleans your house (and faster!) because they don’t get sidetracked by your stuff or derailed with another project. Needless to say, I’m going to find the money in our budget to have her come in bi-weekly to keep things looking good. I can’t BELIEVE how much mental stress having my house removed… especially since so many other big things are in the works.

What big things, you ask?

* Mallory is full-fledged walking now. In fact, I expect her to be running by the end of the month.

* My company was acquired by Cardinal Health at the end of July, which makes me a Cardinal Health employee. Benefits rock, pay is comparable, but it’s the unknown that’s driving me batty. The division that took us over has 50 employees; we have 80. My gut feeling tells me that not everyone is going to make it, but we’re all riding out the transition period (30 – 90 days) together. This is adding a ton of mental stress as well, but I figure I should know by vacation who is staying and who is going.

* My nose is doing much better, thank you, but I’m still supposed to stay away from wearing glasses & sunglasses because it’s not quite completely healed. I’m also supposed to keep Little Miss M below chin level, but how can I give her hugs that way?

* Mallory is acquiring more and more words with every passing day. So far we have: yes, no, yep, nope, wow, whoa, good girl, nana, mama, dada, jj, what is, why, bear, let’s go.

Ok, I’m off to bed… and a nice clean relaxing bedroom 🙂

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. DarcKnyt
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 00:57:08

    Nice! Houses which self-clean rock, don’t they!


  2. DarcKnyt
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 01:20:12

    OY! And Happy Birthday, too! Sorry, forgot to add that last time!


  3. DarcsFalcon
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 04:15:03

    Happy Birthday!

    And yay for getting the housecleaning gift. 🙂 Knowing how those dust bunnies are your nemesis, it must be a real relief to know they’re not multiplying under your bed. 🙂

    Babies grow so fast, don’t they? Seems like just yesterday she was born. I hope you’ve started working on the guest list for her wedding, because that’s next week. At least, it’ll seem like that’s all that’s gone by when she tells you she’s getting married.

    Glad your nose is getting better!

    Hopefully things will work out for you with the job acquisition thing going on. Scary times. I’ll be praying.


  4. Sherri
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 09:27:57

    Happy birthday, Kristy. Hearing how fast Mal is growing makes me remember I need to get my step-daughter over here with the baby. The months slip by so easily, and I’m missing all his milestones.

    Hooray for a clean house. *looks around own house and wishes mother wouldn’t mind vacuuming*


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