What’s on My Plate for Today…

It’s 7 AM and I’ve been wide awake since 6.  I tried to get back to sleep for 15 minutes but recognized it was a futile effort and came downstairs to watch NFL Total Access.  I know, I’m such a football nerd.  Since I’m up, I’ll probably head on over to Hydro Training (water aerobics) around 8.  Ben’s still fast asleep… I was nice and shut the bedroom door so he wouldn’t get bombarded by two puppies who are SO excited to see him first thing in the morning.

I went through this great 90 day goal planning workshop yesterday for my job and took away a lot of good strategies that I can put into practice for my personal life as well.  There was a really great ‘Decision Matrix’ where if you have a bizillion goals running through your head (admit it, we all have that mental list of things to do!) you can prioritize them one against the other in order to rank them.    I’d like to take 2 hours today to put together our 5 year, 3 year, 1 year, and 90 day goals together.  Maybe I can get this process started while Ben’s gone doing my Christmas shopping… let me know if you’re interested in learning more about this process and/or get the tools.  I’m more than happy to share!

I also need to get my bedroom straightened away *sigh*.  There are clothes EVERYWHERE – Ben’s dirty clothes on the floor near his bed, clean clothes of mine in the basket waiting to be put away, clothes on the floor in the closet that I have no idea what their status is, and stacks of my summer clothes that I need to get put away in the underbed organizer.  Of course, I have to clean out the random stuff in the organizer that I just stashed there earlier this year.  That’s my issue – stashing and dashing.  I don’t take the time to put things away properly and end up paying for it again and again and again.  I also need to investigate putting a tasteful trash can in our closet for the receipts that Ben leaves in his pants pockets, tags that come off new clothes, and the other detritus that makes its way in there.  I don’t even want to talk about the dust bunnies rappelling off the blades on my ceiling fan… it’s so embarassing.  So yeah, bedroom is high on the priority list because I need to get my sanctuary back.

Next on the list (if I don’t exhaust myself whipping the bedroom back into shape) is spending at least 1 hour in the room destined to become the nursery.  It is the very definition of stash and dash because it’s where Ben and I would dump everything that we picked up from the ‘public’ parts of the house when we were expecting company.  I have stacks of items to be filed, papers that need shredded, clothes that need to be donated to Amvets, and semi-full bookshelves that need culled.  Perhaps a trip to 1/2 Price Books will be on the agenda later tonight as a reward.  Part of my 90 day plan is going to be preparing for Baby’s Arrival (yes, I have deemed that it deserves capitalization) and getting that nursery put together is part of it. 

So… that’s what I’ve got planned for today.  I told you guys for 2 reasons.  #1 – When goals are written down they have a better chance of being accomplished.  #2 – You’re more accountable when you tell someone what your goals are.  I’ll update you tomorrow on my progress and you can either congratulate me or kick my ass for being a slacker 🙂